image of sign that reads "Local"

Think global, act local. Shop local.
Support local.

Sound familiar?

That’s because engaging locally is effective. Whether we’re supporting small businesses or volunteering in the community, our actions at the local level have an outsized impact.

When it comes to civic engagement, voting for the President every four years is not enough - not by a long shot.

Real change happens at the local level.


What’s happening at the local level?

Americans trust local government the most.*

Yet local elections have the worst voter turnout.**

And many elected officials run unopposed.***


What gets decided at the local level?

Public safety



And more…


Why does it matter?

We can’t hold elected officials accountable if we don’t know what they’re doing. And they can’t fight for what we want if we don’t tell them.

Whether you believe government should be larger or smaller, it has to be effective. In order to be effective, we need elected officials who represent the community’s interests.

Democracy only works if we participate.